Ruth Rendell (Londen, 1930- Londen, 2015), geboren als Ruth Barbara Grasemann, wordt vaak betiteld als de koningin van de Engelse detective, de whodunit (in haar geval soms de whydunit genoemd). In haar boeken heeft ze vaak speciale aandacht voor de redenen waarom misdaden worden gepleegd; ze probeert lezers inzicht te geven in de zielenroerselen van haar hoofdpersonen (die vaak misdadigers zijn).
Rendell schreef meer dan 25 (standalone) romans (meestal thrillers), 24 detectives met in de hoofdrol de speurder Chief Inspector Wexford, en 14 thrillers onder het pseudoniem Barbara Vine.
Zij won veel literaire prijzen en ze werd benoemd tot Ridder in de Orde van de British Empire (CBE).
Inspector Wexford boeken:
‘From Doon with Death’ (1964)
‘A New Lease of Death’ (‘Sins of the Fathers’) (1967)
‘Wolf to the Slaughter’ (1968)
‘The Best Man to Die’ (1969)
‘A Guilty Thing Surprised’ (1970)
‘No More Dying Then’ (1971)
‘Murder Being Done Once’ (‘Murder Being Once Done’) (1972)
‘Some Lie and Some Die’ (1973)
‘Shake Hands Forever’ (1975)
‘A Sleeping Life’ (1978)
‘Put on by Cunning’ (‘Death Notes’) (1981)
‘The Speaker of Mandarin’ (1983)
‘An Unkindness of Ravens’ (1985)
‘The Veiled One’ (1988)
‘Kissing the Gunner’s Daughter’ (1992)
Simisola (1994)
Road Rage (1997)
‘Harm Done’ (1999)
The Babes in the Wood (2002)
‘End in Tears’ (2005)
Not in the Flesh (2007)
The Monster in the Box (2009)
‘The Vault’ (2011)
No Man’s Nightingale (2013)
‘Standalone’ romans:
‘To Fear a Painted Devil’ (1965)
‘Vanity Dies Hard’ (1965)
‘The Secret House of Death’ (1968)
‘One Across, Two Down’ (1971)
‘The Face of Tresspass’ (1974)
‘A Demon in My View’ (1976)
A Judgement in Stone (1977)
‘Make Death Love Me’ (1979)
The Lake of Darkness (1980)
‘Master of the Moor’ (1982)
The Killing Doll (1984)
‘The Tree of Hands’ (1984)
‘Live Flesh’ (1986)
‘Talking to Strange Men’ (1987)
‘The Bridesmaid’ (1989)
Going Wrong (1990)
‘The Crocodile Bird’ (1993)
‘The Keys to the Street’ (1996)
‘A Sight for Sore Eyes’ (1998)
Adam and Eve and Pinch Me (2001)
The Rottweiler (2003)
‘Thirteen Steps Down’ (2004)
The Water’s Lovely (2006)
Portobello (2010)
‘Tigerlily’s Orchids’ (2010)
‘The Saint Zita Society’ (2012)
‘The Girl Next Door’ (2014)
Dark Corners (2015)
‘Barbara Vine’-romans:
‘A Dark-adapted Eye’ (1986)
A Fatal Inversion (1987)
‘The House of Stars’ (1988)
‘Gallowglass’ (1990)
‘King Solomon’s Carpet’ (1991)
‘Asta’s Book’ (‘Anna’s Book’) (1993)
‘No Night Is Too Long’ (1994)
‘The Brimstone Wedding’ (1996)
‘The Chimney-sweeper’s Boy’ (1998)
‘Grasshopper’ (2000)
‘The Blood Doctor’ (2002)
‘The Minotaur’ (2005)
‘The Birthday Present’ (2008)
‘The Child’s Child’ (2012)
‘Heartstones’ (1987)
‘The Thief’ (2006)
Korte verhalenbundels:
‘The Fallen Curtain’ (1976)
‘Means of Evil’ (1979)
‘The Fever Tree’ (1982)
‘The New Girlfriend’ (1985)
‘The Copper Peacock’ (1991)
‘Blood Lines’ (1995)
‘Piranha to Scurfy’ (2000)
‘Collected Short Stories, Volume 1’ (2006)
‘Collected Short Stories, Volume 2’ (2008)
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